Using things and loving peeps

The more we have the less we own.  – Meister Eckhart

and so... Sri Easwaran states: We have been ruthlessly conditioned to think we can find fulfillment in possessions, to love things rather than people – so much so, that when we feel an emptiness in our hearts, we go to shopping centers to fill it up.
I am all for living in reasonable comfort, but when I go to shopping centers, I cannot help getting alarmed. Not at the money that is being wasted – there is enough money in this country to waste. But there isn’t enough will to waste. There isn’t enough energy to waste. When we hear of the energy crisis, this is it. All our vitality, energy, and drive is sapped and undermined by the constant propaganda: go after this, go after that, and you’ll be happy. Things are not meant to be loved. They are meant only to be used. People are lovable and loving.
The adage 'using things and loving people' is so true. It amazes me how often- I and many I know, get these two things confused.
May I focus on how I am to love others and not to use them.
I often excuse myself by saying, "well, that person was not loving towards me, so I am relieved of my obligation". Jesus command to love neighbor as you love self--was not conditioned upon the neighbor's behavior.
Also, I am constantly finding myself trapped by wanting some new toy--for example, I have been at a conference where a colleague was showing me their Android tablet--( I want one of those! I told myself. ) My iPad is quite nice and very usable. My heart goes after things I don't need. I must come back to the center where all is at peace and where I am content.
Lots of times, I am too accepting of my own shortcomings...and so I must be a true disciple--disciplined to love without condition...and reject the idols all around me.


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