Life is a dream

Dreams are real as long as they last. Can we say more of life? -Henry Havelock Ellis 

When we wake up from a dream into waking consciousness, we
do not pass from unreality to reality; we pass from a lower
level of reality to a higher level. And, the mystics of all
religions say, there is a higher level still, compared with
which this waking life of ours is as insubstantial as a

Yet until we do wake up, nothing sounds more absurd than the
assertion that we are dreaming, and nothing seems more solid
than this world of the senses. Why should this be so? If
original goodness is our real nature, why are we unable to
see it? The answer is simple: because we see life not as it
is but as we are. We see "through a glass
darkly," through the distorting lenses of the mind
- all the layers of feeling, habit, instinct, and
memory that cover the pure core of goodness deep within.


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