Single pointed attention is the way to work and to live

A mind that is fast is sick. A mind that is slow is sound. A mind that is still is divine.
  – Meher Baba

….from Sri Easwaran ~ “Somehow, in our modern civilization, we have acquired the idea that the mind is working best when it runs at top speed. Yet a racing mind lacks time even to finish a thought, let alone to check on its quality.

When we slow down the mind, we work better at everything we do. Not only is the quality of our work better, we are actually able to get more done. A calm, smooth-running flow of thought saves a lot of wear and tear on the nervous system, which means we have more vitality and resilience in the face of stress.”

Multi tasking is really, then, not such a great thing. Being able to focus and to give one’s attention fully to a subject matter, better still, to a person, is what is most divine of all the mind’s capabilities. We are drawn to those who are intent on what we are telling them. Likewise, others are drawn to us when we give them our full attention, without seeming to be in hurry to leave their company.


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