You are holy

"You shall be holy, for I, YHVH, am holy."
                                                                   -Leviticus 20:26
From Rabbi Rami Shapiro:
"You are holy as  God is holy; your true nature is God's nature. Think of the Self as the rose of the rose bush. It is the nature of the bush to blossom the rose, yet the rose cannot blossom on its own. So it is the nature of God to blossom as the Self, the nature of the infinite to blossom as the finite, the nature of the One to blossom as the many, but the self, the many, cannot blossom on their own. Blossoming is not yours to control. It is the gift of grace arising naturally from the nature of God."

"As above, so below". -from the Emerald Table of Hermes Trismegistus
Our natures are of God, in essence.
We do have an opportunity to manifest God's nature in the day to day.
Now--my I simply allow the Infinite to merge with the finite, as a perfect rose blossom.
This is as true as the sun rising each day. It is contained in the Unity of all creation, from the One Source of Creation, who indeed is holy.
May the holy rose bloom within you and manifest in all you do, feel, see and think.

"Let the words of my mouth be for your pleasure, and the meditation of my heart before you, Lord Jehovah, my helper and my Savior." -- Psalm 19:14(The Aramaic Bible)
"Be still and know---that I am---God"--Psalm 46:10

As you bloom in this holiness, others who surround you are blessed and encouraged.

Sabaoth blessings to you!


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