Psychic energy called "hope"

This diagram illustrates a vision I have had of the way psychic energy is aligned in our universe.
To the right of the spectrum, "the gamma"--represents the eternal "light"--of "G-d, creation" 
In this blinding unapproachable light, the universe is made manifest by its powerful psychic energy's emanation and transmission. 
The psychic power to think, "Let there be Light" and light to manifest ---indeed,  that is some serious psychic power. For humans to create, even in our limited capacity, is a manifestation of the psychic power of G-d. This is one aspect of how we are created in His Image.( I use the term "his" due to the scriptural references from Christ...this is for the lack of a better pronoun. I could use the term "her", interchangeably.) 
Our capacity to expand our psychic energies and to create is a Godlike quality. It is a manifestation of the quality of life we call "hope".
For me, creating a business or a non profit organization that guides people to take action and grow a vision...this is a God like attribute. I find great satisfaction in organically growing businesses, indeed it is because it is a manifestation of the Creator within my life. It is an expression of hope.
To the left of the spectrum, is complete absence of light--or death...where an absence of psychic energy is present...there is no hope. And so our thoughts and our psychic lives are located on this spectrum - at different times, on different days, at varied moments, at a geo location or nexus on this spectrum. It is a psychic "tug of war" between hope and total depression.
This is reflecting the teaching and work of Valentin Tomberg, author of "Meditations on the Tarot".
Moreover...the whole of this spectrum, of all of it, all of the light and all of the black darkness: This is The Source, this is G-d. "He" encompasses all the spectrum. His will pervades all the light and all the darkness.
With this spectrum as a backdrop, Tomberg speaks of the guiding force behind all spiritual evolution, pertaining to "hope". 
"Hope is for spiritual evolution what the instinct of reproduction is for biological evolution. It is the force and light of the ideal of the world--the magical radiation--(drawn to) the Omega point( according to Teilhard de Chardin). This Omega point towards which spiritual evolution is tending, is the point of complete unity of the outer and the inner, of matter and spirit, i.e., the God-man, the resurrected Christ. Just as the Alpha point is "The Word" "which was in the beginning"-- is the prime mover or the effective cause--which sets in motion the electrons, atoms, molecules, of action and movement to form light and matter--that is- their association as planets, organisms, races, families, human beings, each of us individually, all creation...(culminating in the Omega)
Like Jesus spoke, "I am the Alpha and the Omega". G-d covers the whole spectrum. Dualism is a human construct. Complete Unity is the way things ARE, as illustrated by the spectrum, the continuum. Hope, at the end of the day, reigns. By this "hope" we are motivated to action and to creation, by and through hope. It is a form of powerful psychic energy.

"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. "( Romans 5)

Keep hope alive. 


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