Let me see your ID

From "Living Presence": 
Identification with other humans, issues, causes or beliefs, is an intentional, focused, concerted way of giving/or paying attention to another. 
In our inner world we can begin to notice our own identification—the involuntary and unconscious absorption of our attention in inner processes. 
At one moment, we consciously tell ourselves to be patient, kind, generous, and then in another moment, we forget that intention and become immersed in a desire or a frustration that has so captured us that we have lost our observing attention and are racing out of control in just that state we were seemingly determined to avoid.
We lose ourselves, through identification.
Perhaps we have a choice.
When do I choose to identify? What are the results?
I was once a singer in an ensemble we named, “Choose Joy”. It was taken from a Larnelle Harris song of that name. One could insert “Choose Love”. These are quite appropriate mantras. If you haven’t chosen a personal meditation mantra, there are a couple worthy of your attention.
It is a way to return to balance, in your inner life.
I like the way David the King reflected on eternity, when he mused, “your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” He was resting his attention on truth, the eternal qualities embodied in the Creative Word.

As father Helminski reminds, giving free will, or choice to the life of the observer, through conscious, deliberate and voluntary attention is a creative act, bringing positive and fulfilling value to our lives. 

With what do I identify?


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